Our dietitians strive to be weight inclusive, fat positive, and use a HAES® approach, when offering nutrition counselling. They are available to support individuals across Ontario.
Eating Disorders
Our dietitians support adults with binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, ARFID, OSFED, and those without diagnoses. Common topics discussed include:
Food intake and frequency
Planning meals and snacks
Challenging food rules
Understanding the factors that contribute to using eating disorder behaviours
Increasing joy and pleasure in eating
Intuitive Eating
Our dietitians can help guide you through the 10 principles of intuitive eating, a weight-inclusive, anti-diet approach to nutrition counselling and eating. Some aspects of the intuitive eating principles a dietitian can support you with are: rejecting diets, unconditional permission to eat, hunger and fullness cue awareness, finding satisfaction in eating, normalizing emotional eating, challenging food rules, body neutrality, joyful movement and gentle nutrition.
Our dietitians believe in your innate ability to nourish yourself and make food decisions that reflect your own individual values and needs, without the use of any restrictions or external rules for eating. Our dietitians can help you with nourishing your body the way it is, in the contexts of mental/physical health, body image, relationships, and experiences of privilege and oppression. Some non-diet approaches include aspects of mindful eating, rejecting the good/bad food mentality, physical attunement, tuning into hunger and fullness, experimenting with different meals and snacks etc.
Nutrition counselling sessions are $125-150 per 50-60 minute session and vary by provider.
Direct billing is available with certain private insurance plans. Contact us for more information.
Payments can be made by e-transfer or credit card and are due on the day of service.
Some insurance companies offer coverage for services offered by a Registered Dietitian. Please contact your insurance provider for more information.